
Wednesday, September 7

Why Go Camping? A Budget Holiday

Holidays are important and necessary for a healthy lifestyle.  Everyone talks about how important it is to have a good work life balance, but all too often Australians forget about this.  Australians as a whole tend to save up their annual leave and not take enough holidays.

Obviously this is not good for your mental or physical health and on top of this regular short holidays allow for regular quality family time; spending time with your children and rekindling the relationship with your partner. Read more.

Sometimes however, prior financial commitments can mean that going on an expensive long holiday is just not sensible or affordable.  It might be that you're working hard for that promotion, saving to make repairs to your car or trying to get on top of your mortgage.

Despite this, it's important that you get away from the house, work and other commitments and take some time off every now and then.  Going camping is a great way to take a holiday on a budget, you don't need to own a lot of camping gear to have a great enjoyable holiday with the whole family.   Many camp grounds have bathrooms, showers and cooking facilities all you need is somewhere to sleep, some food and something to sleep on! Easy!

The great additional benefit is that once you own your camping gear provided you look after it and treat it with respect it should last you many many years.   Providing you, and your whole family with memories that will last a life time.

Many people incorrectly believe that to go camping you require a four wheel drive.  This is plainly incorrect, especially today when the Australian road networks are constantly being improved and upgraded.  Sure, it's probably not wise to take your sedan onto Fraser Island! This doesn't mean that you cant get to many fantastic beautiful places.    

Need a holiday fix?  Go camping!  Need help deciding what gear you need? Ask me!

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