
Monday, October 3

My overnight stay at Burleigh Beach Tourist Park

Burleigh Heads at the Gold Coast is perfect for a weekend getaway.  

Lately my friends Cassie, Joe, Shae and my girlfriend Stacey and I have been doing a lot of day trips to the coast to spend some time in the sun and water.  Early last week the suggestion was put out that we go down on the Sunday again.

I had been thinking of going away for a weekend camping, so I thought why not incorporate this into the weekend that way we can maximise our Sunday and hopefully do some cool things on Saturday too.

The view only 50metres away from Burleigh Heads Beach Tourist Park.

So the wheels were set in motion, I booked a night there at Burleigh Beach Tourist Park which cost us $19 each with payment on arrival.  

Joe and I dropped the girls off at the shopping centre on the way to the camp site and Joe and I began setting up the camp site (how chivalrous!)  Not long after we began, the sky started to darken and the wind picked up significantly it looked as though rain was not far away and had been on the cards all week according to the weather forecast!     

We arrived paid and then began  frantically setting up Shaes tent, a OZtrail Chalet 4 where Joe, Cassie and Shae were to spend the night.  We made quick time of it driven by the light rain spitting on our backs.  It was a little frustrating having to carry all the gear from the car up the stairs, but the seclusion from the rest of the camp grounds is nice.  Only upon completion to discover that the threat of rain had disappeared.

The large flight of stairs up to the secluded un powered camping section.
We then unloaded the mission critical icebox and camp chairs and sat down for a beverage to reward our hard work, this went down well.  We then resumed our set up, I retrieved my Blackwolf Turbo 210 Joe and I both appreciating the speed and ease that it was set up with the taste of our last beer becoming a little too distant a memory.

After Joe and I had finished setting up the whole camp site, the girls strolled in with shopping bags galore.  Amazing timing!!

We then head to town for dinner, dessert and coffee.  Everyone was fairly tired from the days events so we retired early around 9pm.  Not long after getting to bed, we heard the familiar sound of pegs being driven into the ground, I commented to Stacey how happy I was that we were not setting up in the dark and how difficult it would be.

Stacey standing beside our tent and our neighbours set up! 
I woke on Sunday at a leisurely 7:30am, getting out of bed to take some photos in the low light - trying to be the professional photographer.  I pulled out my camera, tried to turn it on to discover that it was DEAD FLAT.  Shows how professional a photographer I am!  I sure need to gather some tips badly from Phil Rettke Photography however even he could not fix this problem!  This is why the photos you see are all grainy and low resolution.  Sorry, I promise I'll do better next time.

Our neighbours set up that I discovered in the morning! At least they put out the storm ties!
With checkout at 10am we decided that we would first pack up the gear, then head to a cafe for breakfast.  With the girls there we packed up the gear in good time and after having a leisurely breakfast and coffee we were on the beach by 10am.  There we stayed until we were ready for lunch, then we drove home to get ready for the week ahead.

The shower and toilet complex seemed very new and no money was spared.  There was hot water galore! 

Inside the mens bathroom, sorry there are no photos of the showers or toilets I didn't want to be caught with my camera in there!

Full laundry facilities.
The near new clean tidy BBQ facilities.

Plenty of clothes lines to hang your washing

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